Frederick L. Kurth, P.E., R.P.L.S.
Frederick Kurth has over 35 years of civil engineering and surveying experience. He has led engineering and surveying projects throughout the South Texas region, for both governmental entities and private sector clients. He is proficient in scheduling and coordinating large public and private projects and has worked on a wide range of federal, state and local infrastructure projects. He has also worked on projects involving hydrology and hydraulic computations, flood studies, drainage projects, water and wastewater treatment systems, subdivision design and traffic engineering.
Since he has been with Melden and Hunt, he has been responsible for major street, water, sewer, and drainage improvements for the cities of Edinburg, Mission, McAllen, Hidalgo and Pharr. Frederick Kurth also assists and recommends to these municipalities on typical engineering matters such as Drainage Design, Urban Street Design, Utility Design and Subdivision Development. More importantly, Frederick Kurth has adequate experience working with Municipalities, Public Utilities, TXDOT, Irrigation Districts, Water Supply Districts and all other utility companies that will have an impact on your project. It is important to point out that Frederick Kurth has a strong relationship with these entities since he works with them on a daily basis.
Also, Frederick Kurth is acting City Engineer as a Consultant for a city in the Rio Grande Valley and assists and recommends to the city on all typical engineering matters facing cities with a population of 45,000 or less. Frederick Kurth also specializes in large land development projects and drainage engineering. He has also worked for various educational institutions such as the University of Texas at Pan American, IDEA Academy, Mission CISD, Edinburg CISD, McAllen ISD, and La Joya ISD. The majority of his projects with these entities have been site development for new and existing facilities.
In addition, Frederick Kurth is a Registered Professional Engineer and a Registered Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Texas.
Frederick Kurth will provide his project understanding gained through more than 35 years of engineering and surveying experience from various clients in South Texas. As a principal-in-charge, he will ensure that key project staff will be active participants committed to your project and that they will have available to them the support staff and technical resources necessary for successful results.
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa
BS Civil Engineering, 1979
United States Air Force Academy
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Licensed Professional Engineer
Texas No. 54151
Licensed Professional Land Surveyor
Texas No. 4750
Areas of
Drainage Design
Urban Street Design
Roadway Design
Utility Design
Landscape & Irrigation Design
Subdivision Development
Right-of-Way Survey and Mapping
Project & Construction Management
Master Planning
Capital Improvements Planning
Wastewater Treatment Plants
Wastewater Collection Systems
Water Treatment Plants
Water Distribution Systems
Traffic Engineering Studies
Transportation Planning & Design
Edinburg CISD
IDEA Academy
La Joya ISD
McAllen ISD
Mission CISD
South Texas ISD
South Texas College
University of Texas at Pan American